May 24, 2020

Good Things are Going to Happen

Positivity! That's the word which helps everyone to hope, have faith, to rebound and even dream again. It is literally the magic potion which makes life better for everyone, if taken with a dollop of cheerfulness. Yes, life, as complicated as it may seem, actually, becomes very simple in presence of these two essential ingredients. An ice-cream won't taste good if it isn't sweet, and it is the same with us. Without the right amount of positive attitude, one...well one doesn't live life fully but just survives.

"There is a great beauty in simplicity." Nonetheless it is very difficult to be simple! As paradoxical it may sound, there is a truth in it. Life is a sport which will throw a lot of challenges before us. It is up to us whether we let those break us or make us strong. We need to be good and have the will not only to live happily but to spread the fragrance of goodwill around us so that others can also blossom forth. The Earth is one big home which accommodates all of us and we need to give back in proportion to what we receive.

Getting back to the 'challenges', we must remember that every one of us is not the same. Had it been so, life would have lost its charm and we would have ended up as mere parts of a big machine. But that's it...we are human beings, we can't be mechanical. Being thankful for what we have and taking the bitter experiences with a pinch of salt is the secret to a satisfying life. It does not matter if we are not able to make a name for us in this world. It is okay if we don't leave our mark here. To be a simple person with a good heart and soul is the greatest accomplishment that we can achieve. We should not concern ourselves with whether others are proud of us or not because the one great omnipresent force, by whichever name we call it, will always show us the path which we need to tread on. We can recognise it if we are conscious enough and know how to listen to that inner voice.

Not being inhibited by people who disseminate negativity, if we reject it forthrightly, ignore to be affected by it, then it will lose its strength. We should not pine for what we don't have, instead be grateful for the near and dear ones who are there for us at each step of the way. Complaining is a sign of weakness. Well, not all of us have the luxury of walking through a bed of roses. However we can always choose to see the world through rose-tinted glasses, even when it means that our vision is distorted. Sometimes distortion gives us a perspective, one which will see us through tough times. What is reality but a way of looking at life differently which may not match ours' but we should not get disheartened by it. We can either see a dandelion as a weed in the field or see it as a hundred wishes waiting to be fulfilled. The choice is ours to make. Walking through a different path attracts criticism but in the end it makes us happy. We feel that we have lived a worthwhile life, being happy and also bringing happiness for others. 

A wild flower blossoms unnoticed, offers itself to the world- to the sun and the breeze around it- and withers away without attracting any attention. Life is that simple. We come here on earth, do what is right and essentially good and then we silently leave it. Life is too short for disappointments and cribbing. We should make the most of it while we are still here. Our individual clamour doesn't mean anything to this tumultuous churning of the sea of life. We should not hold anything back and let go. Everything is going to be alright if we believe so. Even if things don't turn out the way they are expected to be, still we get the strength to move forward with the hope that Good Things are Going to Happen...

November 17, 2018


It's a constant progress to become good,
And a challenge to transform manhood.
Can you guess, with what, the earth is rife?
It is a blessing, a feeling called LIFE!

November 15, 2018


 The distant sand dunes bear witness to a mighty kingdom,
Where Sphinx spoke to Tiresias - the words of wisdom.
The pyramids remind one of the ancient strifes,
Today pharaohs are asleep waiting for their next lives.

The richly gilded sarcophagus embalms Nefertiti,
Queen of hearts, she is a symbol of passion and beauty...
Softly whispering in her dreams of the unrequited love,
While the Nile's blue reflects the fleecy clouds above.