February 25, 2009

Story of Man

There’s a star too many on the sky,
And it was for the day to bid goodbye.
As there was none to hear her plight,
The day found its way melting into the night.
So the shied moon felt it her time to come,
And coming she kissed the heaven’s palm.
Shining like Dionysus’ shield so bright!
It was the time when Tithonus would sing,
His tears dropping like a dazzling ring,
The gods in heaven would hear him cry,
But there’s nothing they could do but sigh,
Tithonus sought ‘immortal youth’ from the shooting star.
Alas! He couldn’t hear being too far.
A sighing Tithonus waited for the day,
When he could again be happy and gay,
But never came the day in his way!
Slowly it was for the moon to wane,
And departing she was moaning in pain.
Tithonus waited for his lady love,
From the holy tree cooed the white dove.
The sound echoed the story of Holy Grail;
And left behind Revelation’s trail,
The son of God blessed man,
And from there the story of Man began…

Painting by Vincent Van Gogh

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