April 22, 2009

Our habitat at risk


It is 22nd April 2009 and if we are still not aware about conservation of natural resources then may be fifty years from now, we would be going down under- well not to Australia but down under a colossus of desert, where there would be no trees, no birds, no water, no mankind...nothing but sand. We have upped the ante of the extinction of humanity and are lackadaisical in our approach for conservation. Taking into consideration the gamut of the consequences of global warming, we must realise that we should be ready with our wherewithal to prevent it. So long we have been nonchalant, but it is the 11th hour approaching and each of us should try and give our best to protect nature even if it may appear an iota before the risk we have incurred upon us.
On this Earth Day, let us take a pledge that we should protect our environment; protect us from being just a reminiscent species which would no longer exist.

Photograph: Tassili N'Ajjer in the heart of Sahara