August 3, 2009

A Hot Noon Somewhere



I was feeling tired and sleepy one afternoon watching my brother do some weeding in our garden. Suddenly I heard a soft but frightened tweet from the nearby curry leaves tree. It was at first hard to locate it amongst so many leaves. But finally my eye fell on it. A little birdie who had just lost its one leg in an accident. It was surely very frightened as well as in pain. Perched on a thin twig with its one leg it feared that the pinky-poo (the feline neighbour which has publicly declared our house as its permanent residency) might be waiting for it very hungrily, for her very cherished tea-time munch.

I felt sad at being unable to do anything for the poor chap. My brother suggested that we should try giving it some earthworms which he found in the earth while weeding. But it was too frightened to accept anything. It hopped on to another branch trying to camouflage itself from us as well as pinky-poo. I went to my room and brought my cell phone and took a snap, but couldn't get a clear picture as it was almost hidden from my view.

I prayed to God for its safety and quick recovery and left the place. My brother told me that he couldn't find it later. Perhaps it had flown away to another tree- probably a more safe place to her.

I don't know what had happened to her, whether it is still surviving or not, but surely it had made my day and helped me filling up some blank space in my blog after a long time. Now I'm thinking of giving a name to this short-time friend of mine though I may not see it anymore. I'll be very grateful if any reader comes out with an unique name for it. Please feel free to comment.

So long for now, lets see what else catches my imagination.