December 1, 2012


One day, a small girl discovered a bright dazzling shell while playing in the verdant fields. She took the trinket home, thinking it to be a gift from the fairies. At home, the elders told her that it was a cocoon from which a magical spirit would emerge some day. The girl kept the thing safely with her toys in her precious box. Everyday she used to wake up in the morning and open the box to see if the spirit had come out. But to her dismay there was nothing. And it was the same every morning. She had lost hope and thought that the elders were just telling tales. Then one day, just as she opened the box, out came the most majestic butterfly that she had ever laid her eyes on! She was so surprised that she couldn't speak for sometime. Her 'magical spirit' had finally come alive and was wavering its teeny-weeny wings in the sunlight.

Many years have passed since then and the girl has grown up. As she was sitting on her roof on a wintry morning, her eyes were attracted to the black prince resting itself on the bright pink flowers. This transported her back through the corridor of time and brought back another image of a happy alliance with her long lost friend.