March 8, 2013

A pensēe on the quintessential woman

Today people talk about 'liberation' and 'empowerment' only when it comes to women. There is no doubt that the time has come when women should be liberated as well as empowered from their age-old relegated position. But first, let us delve a little deeper into the real meaning of 'freedom'. To understand the concept fully, we must first ask ourselves, whether we are ready yet to handle this freedom and still not forget our responsibility to both ourselves and the society?
Women in the West are certainly living a life based on indulgence and personal choice. They are in a much better position, socially, than their Indian counterparts. Then are we to conclude that they are more independent and complete individuals than us? Well, we are certainly misconstruing our role that we must fulfill as women.
Since ancient times, women all over the world have been considered as the ādhāra or shakti on this earth. She is one who sustains society and has the innate ability to balance life and bring harmony to her surroundings. She should be able to bend with the wind, enduring as well as condoning every blow that she faces. She should have an all-encompassing devotion to the welfare of others - being both generous and compassionate. Virtues like equality, tenderness, modesty and kindness at once with perseverance, endurance, dignity and courage are natural to her and she should exert a spontaneous happiness on all, just as a lighted candle can illumine a dark room. True wisdom and a pure heart are better than mere material knowledge and mundane talents.
When women would realise their real worth, they would naturally perform a lustration by sacrificing all that pulls them down and make them remain just females. Then, and only then, will they blossom forth as complete human beings and find 'true' freedom from their present bondage of ignorance.