March 18, 2009

Earth and our role in preserving it

Making the right choices can make positive contribution to the future of our planet Earth. Individuals should choose alternatives that promote energy efficiency and conservation of the Nature.

Change of climate is being attributed to Global warming. It calls for our attention. Carbon dioxide [Co2] is a greenhouse gas as also an unavoidable by-product of using fossil fuels in transport and generation of electricity. There is a global drive to move swiftly towards carbon neutrality.

A tree acts as a lifetime sink of carbon dioxide, so save trees and plant more trees.

We should also be aware of energy conservation by saying ‘YES’ to CFLs [Compact Fluorescent Lamps], pressure cookers [ for saving fuel], enjoying natural light and ventilation and switching off electrical and electronic appliances whenever not needed.

Conserve every drop of water, never waste it, and don’t dump unwanted substances into the water bodies and try to harvest rain water.

Say ‘NO’ to plastic bags and go for jute bags instead.
Concluding we must vouch for using resources wisely.

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