May 17, 2009

An universe to discover

On 19 December 2007, the United Nations’ 62nd session took a colossal step, which said that the year 2009 would be celebrated as ‘International Year of Astronomy’. The United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the International Astronomical Union (IAU) will jointly venture into this project.

Delving into the depths of time…some 400 years ago, we could visualize an Italian - an avant-garde, discovering the unknown and the unseen universe through his self-constructed telescope. He was Galileo Galilei, who definitely does not require an introduction here. He was the first man to let us know about the solar system and how vast the expanse of universe is. He was the pioneer of modern astronomy. To honour his contribution on the field, the UN has arranged this programme.
Based on Hans Lippershey's first telescope, Galileo constructed one about four centimetres in diametre. With the help of this instrument in 1609-10 he observed some conspicuous facts and compiled them in a book called 'The Starry Messenger'. Galileo's main discoveries were:
1. To observe the other side of the moon which is always hidden from Earth's view.
2. The waxing and waning of Venus.
3. Discovering the four main sattelites of Jupiter.
4. The rings of Saturn and
5. The existence of the Milky Way Galaxy.
The motto of the International Year of Astronomy is 'Universe - Yours to Discover'. The main idea behind this initiative is to make man more cognitive, and 140 nations and 38 astronomical research stations have come together hand in hand to make it successful.
An eleven-tier programme initiative has been considered.

Hundred hours of Astronomy: From 2nd to 5th April, people will have the advantage of observing the universe through telescopes for up to 100 hours. Various universities and research centres are coming forward for fulfilling this idea.

Galileoscope: Ten thousand high-end telescopes modeled on the one made by Galileo are to be distributed to children (One Telescope per Child) so that they can observe the universe properly.

Cosmic Diary: Scientists and Astronomers will compile their findings in various books and will spread the word through various websites.


Portal to the Universe: A portal will be set up comprising the wherewithal recent findings by astronomers and observatories and will be published on the internet.

She is an Astronomer: Special attention has been given to women who would otherwise remain involved in banal household chores and make them more conscious about astronomical inventions taking place all over the world. UNESCO has taken a step to inspire them take up astronomy as a career.

Dark Skies Awareness: People are not being able to watch the night sky because of the increasing pollution. The IAU will be taking a part to help people avoid this difficulty.

Astronomy and World Heritage Site: Plans are also in progress to preserve the ancient observatories and places of astronomical interest so that the future generation gets to know about them.


Galileo Teacher’s Training Programme: By the end of 2012, about 5000 Galileo National Ambassadors will be appointed who would give proper astronomical training to the Galileo Master Teachers who would in their turn spread awareness.

Universe Awareness: UNESCO has promised to help financially those students who are interested in astronomical research work.

From Earth to the Universe: Good news for those who are not aware of this revolutionary initiative!
Now various parks, art galleries and kiosks will be embellished waith attractive photographs and paintings of the universe to help make people aware.

Developing Astronomy Globally: A three level concomitant programme has been taken, on the job-oriented front, the educational and the popular front where universities and research organizations will aid common people.

Last but not the least, let us all be aware of the International Year of Astronomy 2009 and help ourselves to be inspired by the man who will always be known as the father of astronomy.

Material collected on April 1, 2009

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