November 18, 2009

Why Vote Earth?





Put simply, because our future depends on it! It only takes a few minutes to vote, but it could help protect our planet forever. It's your chance to tell world leaders what kind of deal you want them to make at the climate summit in Copenhagen.

Earth Hour: A global vote for Earth

Since 2007, Earth Hour has gained worldwide support for positive action against global warming. It all began with 2.2 million people in one city using their light switches to have their say. By March 2009, hundreds of millions of people in over 4,000 cities in 88 countries officially switched off to vote for Earth.
This monumental swell of support for the environment has been four years in the making. And it’s all building towards one decisive moment in history – the Copenhagen climate summit.

Copenhagen: a new direction

World leaders are set to discuss new ways to deal with climate change at the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen, 7-18 December 2009. This new deal will replace the Kyoto Protocol and set new standards for reducing harmful emissions and global warming.
Copenhagen is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to point our planet in a new direction. But if we don't urge world leaders to make things right now, it could all go very wrong for the future. Four possible outcomes from the talks could be:
  • Foundation: leaders agree on ways to strengthen targets over the next five years, but it's only a slight improvement on current commitments.

  • Greenwash: leaders pledge to review current arrangements and call it a success, but nothing really changes.

  • Collapse: no agreement is reached and the problem is deferred indefinitely.

  • Breakthrough: an agreement is reached with ambitious reduction targets to limit global warming to 2 degrees – the level scientists say will prevent dangerous climate change.
The more votes for Earth we get, the stronger our mandate will be to influence a 'breakthrough' result. It's the only outcome that will secure the long term sustainability for our environment and global economy.

The future can be bright

New economic modelling indicates the world has just five years to initiate a low carbon industrial revolution before runaway climate change becomes almost inevitable. But it can be done, and the long term benefits will be enormous.
So now's the time to give world leaders the mandate they need to make the right climate deal. It's time to Vote Earth!

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